Archival Catalog – List

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SIK-ISEA :: Swiss Art Archives (Collection)  >
DOK :: Documentation (Recordgroup)  >
SIK-ISEA, DOK S :: Familienname S (Recordgroup)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10838734 Dossier Schwarzbek, Karin no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 14691653 Dossier Schwarzbourg, Francine no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003958 Dossier Schwarzenbach, Armin no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4002500 Dossier Schwarzenbach, Hans Rudolf no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10749197 Dossier Schwarzenbach, Pierre no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003959 Dossier Schwegler, Josef no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4028489 Dossier Schwegler, Josef Julius Xaver no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026469 Dossier Schwegler, Ludwig Karl no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023285 Dossier Schwegler, Philipp Jakob no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023286 Dossier Schweiger, Jörg no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000692 Dossier Schweikart, Kurt no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023287 Dossier Schweitzer, Christoph no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11638389 Dossier Schweizer Hadjidj, Harlis no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026470 Dossier Schweizer, Albert no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12831712 Dossier Schweizer, Beat no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001567 Dossier Schweizer, Beni (Bénédict) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003960 Dossier Schweizer, Béatrice no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026471 Dossier Schweizer, Eglantine Florence no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026472 Dossier Schweizer, Ernst no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001568 Dossier Schweizer, Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4022019 Dossier Schweizer, Jacques no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026474 Dossier Schweizer, Jakob Otto no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001569 Dossier Schweizer, Jean-Claude no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026475 Dossier Schweizer, Paul no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003962 Dossier Schweizer, Theo no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006561 Dossier Schweizer, Thomas no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4028491 Dossier Schwendimann, Joseph Caspar no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003963 Dossier Schweri, Peter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026476 Dossier Schweri, Philip Alfred Albin (Albinus) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026485 Dossier Schwerzmann, Johann Jakob Wilhelm no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001570 Dossier Schwerzmann, Jörg no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020999 Dossier Schwerzmann, Pierre no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020222 Dossier Schwizer, Heinz no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10029826 Dossier Schwizgebel, Christian no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003964 Dossier Schwob, Lucien no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001571 Dossier Schwob, Ruth no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026488 Dossier Schwob, Susanne no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006399 Dossier Schwyn, Rudolf (Ruedy) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023519 Dossier Schwyzer, Julius no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11758081 Dossier Schwyzer, Maria Gertrud no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12360298 Dossier Schädelin, Anna Regina no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11484034 Dossier Schädler, Adelinde Maria no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11482635 Dossier Schädler, Alexandra Marion (M.) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003763 Dossier Schädler, Josef Johann no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11196009 Dossier Schädler, Roswitha no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003765 Dossier Schädler, Rudolf no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006725 Dossier Schäfer, Daniel no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023543 Dossier Schäfer, Friedrich no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003768 Dossier Schäffler, Joseph no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001462 Dossier Schälchli, Walter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020663 Dossier Schäppi, Fred (Frederico) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4028439 Dossier Schäppi, Sophie no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025702 Dossier Schär, Arnold no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006389 Dossier Schär, Hugo no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025703 Dossier Schär, Robert no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9694858 Dossier Schär, Roland no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9770662 Dossier Schär, Susanne no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006692 Dossier Schär, Werner no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003772 Dossier Schär-Geiser, Paul Jakob Gottfried no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001463 Dossier Schären, Beatrix no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025711 Dossier Schärer, Albert no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003779 Dossier Schärer, Andreas Stefan no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006390 Dossier Schärer, Bernhard no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001464 Dossier Schärer, Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003780 Dossier Schärer, Jakob no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001465 Dossier Schärer, Marion no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11926509 Dossier Schärer, Niklaus no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003781 Dossier Schärli, Margrit no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025719 Dossier Schärlig, Max André no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023273 Dossier Schärrer, Hans Jakob no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12568082 Dossier Schärz, Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001466 Dossier Schätti, Karl no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4027185 Dossier Schätti, Stefan no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001467 Dossier Schätzle, Julie no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006698 Dossier Schäublin, Ernst no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001468 Dossier Schäublin, Heinz no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003912 Dossier Schöb, Johann Friedrich no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11452927 Dossier Schöbi, Paul no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11476429 Dossier Schöch, Günter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4005371 Dossier Schön, Inge no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11510367 Dossier Schönbächler, Daniela no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003914 Dossier Schönen-Andrussow, Karin no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026351 Dossier Schönenberger, Joseph-Anton no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11151908 Dossier Schönenberger, Judith no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12969452 Dossier Schönenberger, Nada no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12479145 Dossier Schönenberger-Knaus, Marianne no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025751 Dossier Schönfeld-Brunner, Emma Mimy Lilly no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12530046 Dossier Schönholzer, Ernst Friedrich no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020804 Dossier Schöni Steffen, Heidi no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001525 Dossier Schönmann, Erwin no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4028291 Dossier Schöpfer, Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026352 Dossier Schöttli, Emanuel no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4005960 Dossier Schöttli, Margrit no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11164683 Dossier Schüepp, Eugen no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001548 Dossier Schüll, Robert no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11261972 Dossier Schüpbach, Hannes no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026356 Dossier Schüpbach, Marie-Louise no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003936 Dossier Schüpbach-Gerber, Johanna no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026357 Dossier Schüpfer, Ernst no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4001549 Dossier Schüpfer, Luc Michel no date Fonds
601 to 700 from 1551 Entries