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SIK-ISEA, DOK H :: Familienname H (Recordgroup)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4005779 Dossier HAG no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 13296224 Dossier Haab, Nina no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9803871 Dossier Haag, Filip no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 14413099 Dossier Haaga, Karl no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025279 Dossier Haas, August no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000666 Dossier Haas, Eva no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4021368 Dossier Haas, Gaby (Gabriela) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000667 Dossier Haas, Guido John no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006783 Dossier Haas, Josef Johann no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004931 Dossier Haas, Kurt Josef no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006785 Dossier Haas, Petrina no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004932 Dossier Haas, Rudolf Anton no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9693506 Dossier Haas, Toni (Anton) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025280 Dossier Haas-Triverio, Josef (Giuseppe) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025281 Dossier Haasbauer-Wallrath, Helene Agnes Hermine no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004933 Dossier Habeck, Willy Friedrich Karl no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003325 Dossier Habegger, Daniel no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023064 Dossier Haberer-Sinner, Otto no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023643 Dossier Haberjahn, Gabriel Edouard no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025283 Dossier Habermacher, Alois no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11022504 Dossier Habermacher, René no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11502846 Dossier Haberthür, Fridolin no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025284 Dossier Hablützel, Jacques (Jakob) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12803906 Dossier Hack, Flurina no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4022910 Dossier Hackaert, Jan Janszoon no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4029190 Dossier Hackert, Carl no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025285 Dossier Hadl, Richard no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10470685 Dossier Hadorn, Fredy no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000668 Dossier Hadorn, Regula no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9877529 Dossier Hadorn, Walther no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11757274 Dossier Hadorn-Tschumi, Gertrud no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12957717 Dossier Haeberli, Alexandra no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9852105 Dossier Haefelfinger, Pierre no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004960 Dossier Haefeli, Jonas C. no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025287 Dossier Haefeli, Julius no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025288 Dossier Haefeli, Paul Emil no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025289 Dossier Haefliger, Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11514082 Dossier Haefliger, Josef Leopold no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000674 Dossier Haefliger, Leopold no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000677 Dossier Haefliger, Therese no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025293 Dossier Haemmerli, Margrit no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11966058 Dossier Haener, Alice no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10356783 Dossier Haenggli, Jerry no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020073 Dossier Haenisch, Klaus no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006418 Dossier Haenni, Stefan no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004973 Dossier Haerle, Christoph no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4022399 Dossier Haettenschweiler, Salome no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000681 Dossier Haettenschweiler, Walter Friedrich no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023066 Dossier Hafen, John no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025302 Dossier Haffner, Anna no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025303 Dossier Haffter, Martha no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025304 Dossier Hafner, Caspar Emil no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004979 Dossier Hafner, Leo no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000684 Dossier Hafner, Lucette Alice no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000685 Dossier Hafner, Maria Elisabeth no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020907 Dossier Hafner, Ulrich Joseph (Ueli) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9702610 Dossier Hagen, Ruth no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11919478 Dossier Hagenbach, Andreas Alexander no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004981 Dossier Hagenstein, Willi no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4028874 Dossier Haggenberg, Hans (Hanns) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025305 Dossier Haggenmacher, Walther Bernhard no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026696 Dossier Hagi, Fredy E. no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004982 Dossier Hagmann, Dora no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000686 Dossier Hagmann, Eugenie Emmeline no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4029447 Dossier Hagmann, Johann August no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004983 Dossier Hagmann, Lea no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4021152 Dossier Hagmann, Sabine no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020284 Dossier Hagner, Camille Medardus no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004985 Dossier Hagner, Emil no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4002965 Dossier Hahn, Alexander no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 13865621 Dossier Hahn, Anita no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025306 Dossier Hahn, Charles-Gustave no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11993534 Dossier Hahn, Heidi no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000687 Dossier Hahn, Regula Frieda no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9694111 Dossier Hahn, Veronique B no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4031049 Dossier Haim, Franz Anton no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025307 Dossier Hainard, Philippe no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000689 Dossier Hainard, Robert no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025308 Dossier Hainard-Béchard, Valentine Eugénie no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000688 Dossier Hainard-Roten, Germaine no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004987 Dossier Hajnoczky, Charles no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9826946 Dossier Halatcheff, Hélène Simone Alice no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11783784 Dossier Halbbild Halbton no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000690 Dossier Halbheer, Albert no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000691 Dossier Haldemann, Walter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025309 Dossier Haldimann, Paul no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 13690696 Dossier Haliti, Nelly no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006408 Dossier Hall, Dieter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025310 Dossier Haller, Anna no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025311 Dossier Haller, Berthold Henri de no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000054 Dossier Haller, Hermann no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4031036 Dossier Haller, Katharina no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12231726 Dossier Haller, Otto no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020452 Dossier Haller, Peter Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000693 Dossier Haller, Vera no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4028634 Dossier Haller-Trillhaase, Chichio no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11015585 Dossier Halm Schudel, Anna no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9796230 Dossier Halter / Gratwohl no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12107416 Dossier Halter, Jürg no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9844723 Dossier Halter, Marianne Elisabeth no date Fonds
1 to 100 from 995 Entries