Archival Catalog – List

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SIK-ISEA :: Swiss Art Archives (Collection)  >
DOK :: Documentation (Recordgroup)  >
SIK-ISEA, DOK E :: Familienname E (Recordgroup)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006237 Dossier Egli, Margaret no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4030930 Dossier Egli, Peter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000281 Dossier Egli, René no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026690 Dossier Egli, Sibylla no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000280 Dossier Egli-Kaspar, Gret no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024796 Dossier Eglin, Bernhard no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024797 Dossier Eglin, Walter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000115 Dossier Egloff, Anton no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9824562 Dossier Egloff, Brigitt no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12098554 Dossier Ehrat, Andrea no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024803 Dossier Ehrbar, Walther Georg no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4022311 Dossier Ehrenhofer, Stephan no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004782 Dossier Ehrensperger, Heini no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10290677 Dossier Ehrismann, Eva no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004783 Dossier Ehrismann, Peter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000350 Dossier Ehrismann, Walter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10686850 Dossier Ehrler, Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000351 Dossier Ehrler, Kurt Albert no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4021050 Dossier Ehrler, Lina no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004784 Dossier Ehrlich, Eva Cäcilia no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000770 Dossier Eichenberger Horvath, Maja no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000352 Dossier Eichenberger, Arnold no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11153419 Dossier Eichenberger, Charles no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11681538 Dossier Eichenberger, Claudia no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004785 Dossier Eichenberger, Eugen Albin no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024805 Dossier Eichenberger, Fritz no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024806 Dossier Eichenberger, Gustave Adolphe no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003314 Dossier Eichenberger, Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004786 Dossier Eichenberger, Jean-Pierre Luc no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4025741 Dossier Eichenberger, Matthias Emanuel no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000458 Dossier Eichenberger, Paul no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004788 Dossier Eichenberger, Regula no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 13104486 Dossier Eichenberger, Titus no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11976521 Dossier Eicher, Alfred no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026887 Dossier Eicher, Johann Anselm no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026886 Dossier Eicher, Johann Anton Kajetan no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026885 Dossier Eicher, Josef Alois no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004789 Dossier Eicher-Loiseau, Jeannot no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000459 Dossier Eichin, Bettina Konstanze no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024809 Dossier Eichin, Karl no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024811 Dossier Eichmann, Ernst Alfred no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024814 Dossier Eichmann, Heinrich no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004790 Dossier Eichmann-Strauss, Liselotte no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4021501 Dossier Eidenbenz, Hermann no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4021359 Dossier Eidenbenz, Willi no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000461 Dossier Eigenheer, Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000462 Dossier Eigenheer, Marianne no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4022392 Dossier Eigenheer, Walter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11984925 Dossier Eigenmann, Verena no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024815 Dossier Eigensatz, Hermann Gustav no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024816 Dossier Einbeck, Georg no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12370327 Dossier Eins, Stefanie no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11097986 Dossier Eisch, Rainer no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000465 Dossier Eiselin, Louise no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000466 Dossier Eiselin, Rolf no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000467 Dossier Eisenegger, René no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000507 Dossier Eisenegger-Worgull, Renate no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004792 Dossier Eisenhut, Max-Ernst no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4005734 Dossier Eisenmann, Thyl Manuel no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 13916552 Dossier Eisenring, Christoph no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12958699 Dossier Eisenring, Cédric no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4021691 Dossier Eisenring, Martina no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024818 Dossier Eisermann, Fred no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4006238 Dossier Eisterer, Nell no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11700295 Dossier Eitle-Vozar, Maria no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 14221414 Dossier El Dib, Amin no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 13855182 Dossier El Mestikawy, Hazem no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10767799 Dossier Eleta, Mile (Miki) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026809 Dossier Elias, Josef no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 15965236 Dossier Elisabeth Wild no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 16683676 Dossier Elisabetta Keller no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4022888 Dossier Elisarion no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004793 Dossier Ellenberger-Baumgartner, Marianne no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023023 Dossier Ellenrieder, Marie (Maria) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000508 Dossier Ellisif no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4002849 Dossier Ellmerer, Barbara no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024819 Dossier Elmiger, Franz no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004794 Dossier Elmiger, Georg Adolf no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024820 Dossier Elmiger, Karl Kaspar no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024821 Dossier Elmiger, Robert no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10064814 Dossier Eloi no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024822 Dossier Elpidine, Lélia Lada no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9731980 Dossier Elsaesser, Caroline no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12504789 Dossier Elsener, Eugen no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000509 Dossier Elsener, Heinz Max no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12838605 Dossier Elsener, Marc Charles Victor no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000510 Dossier Elsener, Ulrich no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020480 Dossier Elstein, Bracha-Busia no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024823 Dossier Elzingre, Edouard no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4024824 Dossier Elzingre, Marcel René no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4002419 Dossier Embiricos, Daphné no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9594162 Dossier Emch, Nik no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000516 Dossier Emch, Peter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4022391 Dossier Emch, Reto no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000517 Dossier Emch, Walter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10036826 Dossier Emery, Anne no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000518 Dossier Emery, Denise no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004795 Dossier Emery, Matteo no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000565 Dossier Emery, Sergio no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000528 Dossier Emmanuel-Dominique no date Fonds
101 to 200 from 351 Entries