Archival Catalog – List

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SIK-ISEA :: Swiss Art Archives (Collection)  >
DOK :: Documentation (Recordgroup)  >
SIK-ISEA, DOK M :: Familienname M (Recordgroup)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026101 Dossier Münch-Winkel, Maria no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11971523 Dossier Münger, Beatrice no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4005721 Dossier Münger, Hans no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003282 Dossier Münger, Hans-Ruedi (Rudolf) no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4002402 Dossier Münger, Robert Alexandre no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4023182 Dossier Münger, Rudolf no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4032859 Dossier Münger, Wilhelm no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4026102 Dossier Münzer, Valentin Otto no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4003284 Dossier Mützenberg, Berta no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4020795 Dossier maTabu no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10770873 Dossier maboart no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 14821704 Dossier marce norbert hörler no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4030977 Dossier martinj no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 10682577 Dossier mit no date Fonds
1076 to 1089 from 1089 Entries