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SIK-ISEA, DOK Y :: Familienname Y (Recordgroup)

Reference CodeSIK-ISEA, DOK Y
TitleFamilienname Y
Creationno date
Level of DescriptionRecordgroup
Description Control


Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9720208 Dossier Yach no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12548344 Dossier Yaniv Richter, Daniela no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 11057680 Dossier Ybarra, Daniel no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 12919284 Dossier Yerly, Paul no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000453 Dossier Yersin, Albert-Edgar no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000454 Dossier Yoki no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4004590 Dossier Yokoi, Teruko no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000455 Dossier Yoshikawa, Shizuko no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 9751247 Dossier Young, Peter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000456 Dossier Youssef-Süsstrunk, Judith Jamila no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, DOK 14150544 Dossier Yvan Alvarez no date Fonds
1 to 11 from 11 Entries