Actor: Dieter Roth

Dieter Roth
21st Apr 1930 – 5th Jun 1998
* 21.4.1930 Hannover, + 5.6.1998 Basel. Künstler. Maler und Zeichner. Installation, Skulptur, Film, Texte
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Dieter Roth appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
SIK-ISEA, DOK 4000336 Dossier Roth, Dieter no date Fonds
SIK-ISEA, HNA 210 Archiv Spirale no date Fonds: 0.02 rm
SIK-ISEA, HNA 317 Teilnachlass André Kamber no date Fonds: 2.1 rm
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